Can’t find what you’re looking for? Have look at this page to start with, here you find the FAQ. If you however have any further questions, please get in touch! We’d love to hear from you and we’ll try to respond as soon as possible during our opening hours.
ADDRESS: Ellipsvägen 13, 141 75 Kungens Kurva, Sweden
TEL: +46 8 710 00 80
EMAIL: info@kalasgodis.se
OPENING HOURS (local time):
Monday -Thursday: 8.00 am – 4.00pm
Friday: 8.00 am – 3.00pm
Weekend: Closed
(Please note that our opening hours are irregular due to the pandemic)
By contacting us, you thereby consent to your personal data being processed by us at Kalasgodis in accordance with our Privacy policy

Perhaps you find the answer to your specific question here. Please have a look before contacting us at Kalasgodis.

Does Kalasgodis have a shop?
Sorry, we don’t have our own shop for you to visit. We just have office and warehouse at the moment.
Where can you buy products from Kalasgodis?
Business & shops:
Our products are available at many wholesalers in Sweden. Please get in touch with us at Kalasgodis if your wholesaler however lacks our products in their range after all.
You will find our products in well-stocked candy shops all over the country. However, as an importer, it is difficult for us at Kalasgodis to know exactly which stores that sell our products in the end. The explanation for this is that we don’t have information from all our wholesalers who their customers are. Therefore, please ask for the product you are looking for in your nearest candy shop first of all. However, if they are unabe to assist you, please get in touch with us at Kalasgodis and we will try to help you find out where your nearest shop is located. By stating your town when you contact us, it gives us an opportunity to investigate the matter further.
Sponsorships & Co-operations with Kalasgodis?
When it comes to sponsorship and partnerships, we at Kalasgodis are always interested and open to suggestions. We have the opportunity to co-operate to an extent and within certain limits. Please contact us with your proposal and we will have a look at it as soon as possible.
Is it possible to visit Kalasgodis factory?
To clarify, we are importers from foreign factories and we don’t have our own factory. The producers we currently work with are located in Europe and for this reason we cannot offer visits to factories. On the other hand, we visit the manufacturing sites regularly for quality control and, among other things, to confirm that the products certainly comply with the Swedish Food Agency’s legislation and follow code of conduct.
Last but not least, detailed information about our products can be found on the respective product’s page. Click on the button below in order to get to our delicious assortment. Please feel free to contact us if you need any additional product information.